What brings me happiness during celebrations like birthdays, holidays, etc.?
Hm... That is an interesting question! Well what concerns birthday celebrations, I just hate them. Mine in particular. Every year I could not wait for that day to be over with. Mainly because you are not getting any younger and have to add another number to your age. By the way, I am sixteen during the last 10 years already ;-). Then I have such various friends, so get them in the same room is quite a challenge. Even though I find a common language with each and every one of them when we are one on one and consider everyone a unique personality, putting them together does not work that easy. Simply because they can not find a common language and have a crucial amount of different interests. So every year I wait for this day to come and get over it as soon as possible.
What brings me happiness though?... I love when New Years Day coming to the end, you are going to bed being anxious for the Santa to come while you are asleep, you turn off the lights... the only thing you could see is Christmas lights in the windows and in this silence you feel how the last strangers are walking in the streets and you could hear how their winter felt boots squeak in the snow. This noise gets me into a different state of mind and, while my body is falling asleep, I could still hear those sounds of the squeakiness. It is almost like magic is in the air, outside the street, but you are missing on it. Until you wake up later and the story repeats itself again.
When the family gets together for the holidays, you happen to escape in the washing room for a second. And, i am sorry, but while you are sitting on the toilet all alone, you could hear the noise coming from the family room. Somebody argues, the other tells a joke or an interesting story... You can not really hear what they are saying, but that noise put you in a place of happiness that everybody is right there. Just behind that wall. And it brings happiness to your mind and soul.
The other thing I really enjoy is how the Frost draws images on the windows. Those strange unique snowflakes... You catch yourself on looking at them and smiling... :-)
Enough of the good stuff. Back to No Impact Man.
Can I just say right away that I hated it from the beginning till the very end?! If it was not something that I have to watch for class, long time ago I would have stopped that insanity and switched the channel. While watching it, something inside of me was just protesting every moment of that clip. My anger was growing with each scene. Why? I think every one of us has a choice. To do particular things or do not. To play the "russian roulette" and do not. To watch TV or not. To use the electricity or not. To use cloth or "new era" diapers. I could go on and on with this list. But everything that has ever been invented on Earth has a reason for that invention. And when some things are getting lost in oblivion or obscurity, there is a reason for that. Some will do it faster, the others later. But eventually they will. On the other hand it is, in my opinion, important to respect the choice of others and not to roll your eyes seeing some nonsense going on in front your eyes. But, listen, we pass the ancient times and live in a civil society of light, transportation, garbage etc. What it is necessary to do is to be more cautious and accurate about the environment and those who inherit it.
So here we are on a journey with the Beavan family in New York City.
... to be continued...